Monday, September 8, 2008

So my mom suggested...

That I start a blog. We were having some interesting conversations on her last visit out here about politics, economics, religion, and the sort (considered fun and interesting topics in my family, not taboo), and she suggested that I start writing down some of what I was learning. I guess I really should write more - it helps to organize thoughts and *should* make you formulate your arguments and opinions logically and/or rationally.

Of course, I've read plenty of writings in blog-world that are neither logical or rational. Hopefully I'll improve with time and practice.

I homeschool, so education & homeschool-related issues are something I think about alot and will probably write about.

I study theology & the Bible, so I'll probably write about my thoughts there. Warning: I'm a born-again Christian with Hebraic roots leanings. I also like Reform Theology. How's that for a conversation starter?

I've been learning about Austrian Economics lately - beware of rants about the Fed and our need for sounds money.

I lean Libertarian. I also like some of what the Constitution Pary is all about. I think we're all fools if we don't listen to Ron Paul's wise insights and advice.

And, being a mom, I can't help but occasionally update my family and friends on my kids, especially now with a baby on the way. It's the nature of mom-hood.